Focus in Sound Podcasts

"Focus in Sound" is a series of podcasts produced by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. They consist of interviews with grantees of the Fund who discuss their background, research, and future directions. The interviews are conducted by Ernie Hood and recorded and edited by Mindtracs.
The interviews are usually recorded at the researcher's lab or office however we occasionally use Skype or a traditional telephone patch. I recent interview with a scientist in Atlanta used a dual recording technique. We recorded Ernie's part of the interview in our studio and tied him in via telephone to the researcher in Atlanta who was in the University's audio studio. They recorded his side of the conversation there and sent us the resulting WAV files. We edited the 90 minute conversation into the 20 minute podcast that was the final release.
The Focus in Sound podcasts are available on iTunes or the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Website.