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Animal Farm

Animal Farm was the performance portion of Raleigh Little Theatre's teens on stage program in the summer of 2013.
Teens on Stage is an intensive five-week theatre program for teenagers which culminates in a full-scale production and RLT's first show of each season. TOS students take morning conservatory classes which include movement, acting, voice and improvisation. The afternoons are spent in rehearsal.
A companion program is Teens Back Stage, where teens interested in the technical side of theatre learn about lights, sound, video, and stage constriction. The teens build and run the final production.
Mindtracs presented several workshops on sound and video design and sound and video engineering and assisted the students with their multimedia builds.
A major element in the show is a windmill, built by the animals, which the men then destroy. We built a windmill model and videotaped it in various stages of construction and destruction The videos were projected on sail shaped screens positioned around the theatre space.

Clips from the Teens Back Stage build of Animal Farm